These marketing communication tools can be broken down into two categories: personal communications and non-personal communications. Advertising, public relations and sales promotion can be grouped under non-personal communications because they communicate with consumers in the mass, they tend to be able to reach a large audience and have low interaction with consumers. They also can have a high percentage of wastage. The other marketing tools are known to be personal communications, these types of communications interact more with the consumer. They are two-way communications and they are used directly face to face or through mail and email or using Internet based services. Communications can sometimes fail to reach the intended target, misinterpreted or blocked by noise. External noise such as poor reception, distractions and other commercial communications can hinder the effectiveness of communications. Internal noise can also block commercial communications. Some may not be noticed, particularly if they are not relevant, others may be changed to fit existing attitudes and beliefs and only some messages are transferred from short to long-term memory so many might not be remembered. Some brands that have had difficulty with their intended messages include Stella Artois, Lacoste and Burberry. Stella Artois gave out the message of being
References: Moore, V. (2007). Where did it all go wrong for the beer they call wife beater?. Available: Last accessed 7th December 2011. Mulchand, S, Media Dec 17, 2004), Mercedes Benz p. 42-43 Dowdy, C. (2011). Financial Times. The public image: Lynx 's 'Even angels will fall ' campaign: Ad deconstructed, 45. Keynot, 2011, Confectionery Market Report Plus 2011, UK, Available at:, [accessed 7th December 2011] Keynote, 2011, Computer Hardware 2011, APPLE (UK) LTD from Computer Hardware 2011 Available at:, [accessed 7th December 2011]