<br>Primarily, Bert Cates, a 10th grade teacher, struggles to obtain his right to have an open-mind, and encourages others to do so. The defendant, simply tries to teach a lesson in his Hunter's Civic Biology, but while doing so is hastily over charged by the bigots of Hillsboro, Tennessee. As he explains himself to a fellow school teacher: "I did it because...I had the book in my hand...and read to my sophomore science class chapter 17, Darwin's Origin of Species...All it says is that man wasn't stuck here like a geranium in a flower pot; that living things come from a long miracle, it didn't just happen in seven days". It seems odd, or even bizarre that this premise is so hard to accept in Hillsboro. All in all, Cates is merely opening another aspect to the beginning of time.
<br>Another powerful opinion yearning to be exposed, is the one held by Henry Drummond, the defense's attorney. The lawyer undoubtedly came to defend Cates and any other person in the world the right to believe or think anything they may desire; whether it be "wrong" or "right". He clearly values this when he explains to the judge "I am trying to establish, Your Honor, that Howard - or Colonel Brady - or Charles Darwin - or anyone in this courtroom- or you, sir - has the right to think!". Drummond feels strongly that the right to think is very much on trial and hopes that justice will be reached. In summary, Henry