He provided the DNA testimony and evidence for the first DNA trial in the United States.…
- Cates said being in jail had two advantages: food was better, temperature is cooler.…
John Forbes Nash Jr. is an American mathematician whose theories and ideals in game theory, differential geometry (a mathematical discipline), and partial differential equations which has provided an insight inside the factors that govern chance and events. Over the course of his life he has managed to obtain both the Nobel Memorial Prize in 1994, and just recently the Abel Prize for his work on nonlinear partials. He is also famous for having the mental disease of Schizophrenia. It’s a mental disorder that is often characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to recognize what is real. After being officially diagnosed he found it hard to cope with the world around him knowing half of his life has been a lie. Just like everyone else he soon found ways to control the people that only exist within him.…
Bertram Cates - A twenty-four-year-old science teacher and the defendant in the trial. A soft-spoken and humble man, Cates has been arrested for teaching his students the theory of evolution from biology textbook. His outlook on human knowledge is skeptical, and he wonders about the nature of the universe.…
Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, written in 1955, is an exceptional play that depicts the events of the Scopes Trial in 1925. The Scopes Trial or “Monkey Trial” was held in Dayton, Tennessee. Previous to the trial, the Butler Act was passed in Tennessee to ban the teaching of evolution. In an attempt to test the law, high school teacher John Scopes taught the theory of evolution to his class. After violating the act, Scopes was taken to jail where he waited for a trial to be held. Clarence Darrow would later represent him in the trial against William Jennings Bryan on the prosecution. Inherit the Wind uses the Scopes Trial as a basis for the play by comparing the views of fundamentalists and evolutionists. In the play, the fundamentalists include the townspeople, Matthew Harrison Brady (William Jennings Bryan), and Reverend Brown. They represent the “backwards” ways of the town of Hillsboro where the play takes place. The evolutionists in the play include Bert Cates (John Scopes), Henry Drummond (Clarence Darrow), and E.K. Hornbeck. In Inherit the Wind the evolutionists are cast in a more favorable light because of their intelligence level versus that of the fundamentalists, the ideas presented by the defense in the trial, and the stylistic devices used throughout the play.…
As Gone with the Wind begins, Scarlett O’Hara is illustrated as an attractive wealthy spoiled brat. She is just that. She can get any man in her vicinity; well, she can get all but the one she has wanted for some time. She is rather haughty with the knowledge of her being able to do what she wants. She has a very provocative demeanor. The way she bats her eye lashes, fidgets with clothing, or what she wears.…
Inherit the Wind is an intense drama written by Robert E. Lee and Jerome Lawrence based on the John Scopes trial of 1925. In this story, Bert Cates is put on trial for going against the Tennessee law prohibiting the Evolutionary theory of the creation of mankind being taught in schools. With the trial being held in Hillsboro, most of the people at the event were against Bert Cates with it being so unorthodox. Some people though, shared Bert Cates's logic. E.K. Hornbeck, a mid-thirty year old city dweller and journalist who, through his writing skills, helped prove Bert Cates’s innocence.…
Even though 12 people say you're wrong and you broke the law, millions of other people are standing behind you saying you won. In the book Inherit the wind a man of the name betts cates was against the whole world. The two side are fighting over if Evolution should be taught in the classroom. Cates shows that he helped the world against a law that really showed up the facts about the past. I even though he didn't win the case, he won by gaining millions of people support.…
Davis (12 Angry Men) and Atticus Finch (To Kill a Mockingbird) both persuade humanity with solid, truthful, and wise examples to explain a point they are trying to get across.…
There were several people involved in the trial. They included John Scopes, William Jennings Bryan, and Clarence Darrow. They each played a very important role in the trial.…
One reason tensions where brought up was through the new idea of evolution and the old practice of creationism. According to Document C “The World’s Most Famous Trial: Tennessee Evolution Case, 1925” This trial was a case about whether there should be a punishment for teaching the Darwinism in the schools. This case involved John Scopes, a biology teacher, who taught Darwinism (theory of evolution). Scopes was found guilty. This case sparked a worldwide debate on academic freedom in the schools. This showed how old and new ideas eventually clashed.…
The Great Depression caused many people to struggle and children to grow up faster. The book No Promises in the wind by Irene Hunt and the passage “Loss of Childhood” by Robert McElvaine shows how people struggled during the Great Depression. The Great Depression had a positive effect on children while having a negative effect on adults.…
Evolution, the belief that all humans were made from earlier forms of history in the Earth that leaves people in a true controversy over what to believe. Inherit The Wind is a play revolving the Scopes Monkey Trial, where a school teacher, Bertram Cates, taught evolutionism to his students without being allowed. He is then accused and brought to trial where many people come to join in the fight. Brady, a lawyer, has the job in the play to prosecute this “lawbreaker” while putting up a strong personality. With many obstacles in the play he puts up a hard fight and wins the trial proving Cates guilty. The character of Brady progresses Lawrence and Lee’s message in Inherit The Wind of what people say matters because of his popularity he portrays…
In the play "Inherit the Wind" by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, the defense faces numerous societal injustices, which is why they never had a chance to win the case. One example of the town's bias is presented through the town's love for Matthew Harrison Brady. A second example is the extreme conformist and pious attitude of the town's people. The last instance is the narrow-mindedness of the judge and the jury, which resulted in an unfair trial. In conclusion, the defense suffered through many unfair circumstances throughout the drama "Inherit the Wind."…
Jim Carrey is greatly known as a comedic person. While most of the movies that he is in are considered comedies, The Majestic is unlike many of the other movies that he is in. The Majestic is a very dramatic and somewhat romantic movie. In this movie Jim Carrey plays the part of Luke Trimble, or at least that is who he believes he is for a substantial part of the movie. Luke is actually Peter Appleton, a playwright from hollywood that is being accused of being a communist. But by the time that he realises this, he has many important decisions to make.…