German economy would ultimately fail.
Other nations however, would pass the test, even the state controlled economy of the Soviet Union. By 1938, German armament production outweighed the British armament production yearly, five times over. In addition to the harvesting of local iron ore deposits, the Germans created programs to develop synthetic oils and rubbers.
How and Why The Allies Overcame In the outset of the war, Britain was unprepared, and the French had taken a defensive stance. Any war would be a long war; this neatly eliminated the chance of a quick victory. France promptly used their wartime powers to take control of their economy, and Britain had previously taken steps to set up supply systems. Neither nation pooled their resources at this time, further prolonging the creation of an efficient economic machine. The Germans foolishly provided the British and French time to pool their resources and to stockpile the materials and supplies needed to wage a long war. Just as foolishly, the British and French did not take
this opportunity to do so. The German Blitzkrieg shocked the world. The British and French immediately took on programs of full scale economic mobilization. Nonetheless, it would still take a few years for the British and French to catch up with Germany. The British handled the switch from a private economy to a war time economy quietly and calmly. Following the fall of France, the Battle of Britain began. The British came out of the Battle of Britain with more fighter planes than it had when the air war began. A massive expansion of military and merchant ocean-going vessels was a much more complex mission. As was the organization and formation of a massive land army. The British would ultimately create the most coordinated and organized war time economy of any of the nations at war. A boon to the British government was the willingness of its citizens to be put under rationing programs; public opinion accepted these programs before the programs were in effect. Lacking the population and raw materials of the Germans, the British could only compete by making manufacturing at the highest standards and levels. The British and Soviet nations had their women heavily involved in the manufacturing effort.
Hitler pushed Germany to wage war in the traditional way, where battle was fought and won on the field of battle with men and weaponry. The British sought to win the war economically, by undermining Germany's ability to make war. This would mainly be done by blockade and the bombing of raw material refineries and economic targets. Germany's control of the larger part of Central and Western Europe afforded them many new resources and manufacturing facilities. Hitler had also stockpiled enough resources for a few years at best, only really ever having shortages of oil in 1942. The United States had remained neutral in name only, aiding the British with merchant shipping and convoy protection. Upon the entry of the United States into the war, the tide was definitely turning in the way of the Allies. While the German's submarine fleets shook the allied supply levels, their grasp on merchant shipping was broken by 1943.
The German economy seemed so strong that, despite incredible increases in war time production, there were no drastic drops in civilian consumption until the last year of the war. There were consumption restrictions in the works, but they faced heavy resistance from some who gained Hitler's support. Germany's aircraft production wasn't under great enough control until 1944. By the middle of the year, bomber manufacturing stopped, and the production of mass quantities of a few fighter models was stepped up to incredible levels despite a growing lack of labor and materials. The creation of the Volkssturm, a conscripted home defense force mainly composed of men 16-60 years of age, undermined the aircraft manufacturing industry. All but a few skilled workers were mobilized into a military force. The raw material stocks were running dry, and there was no ability to replenish them. The Allied air bombardment, the around the clock bombing of German industrial cities, was taking its toll. German transportation facilities and factories had taken heavy damage. What machines of war that did come off the assembly lines stood idle for the most part, due to the lack of fuel oil. The German economy had failed the test. The war was over.
In the end, the Allied economies proved that they could adapt to the war. The entrance of the United States into the war would add fuel to the fire. Hitler's stance on winning the war in the traditional way ultimately doomed his chances of winning the war, as well as the superiority of the British and American Navy's along with the Soviet Army that would lead to his isolation on the main European landmass. Allied blockades, around the clock bombing, and trade restrictions on neutral nations would lead to the German economy suffocating itself and spelling its own doom.