2. Methods that correctional agencies use to control prison gangs is “unauthorized activity or assembly” this is keeping inmates separated and isolating gang leaders, confirmed gang members are segregated and on prison lockdown, gang members who cause trouble will be locked in disciplinary confinement.
"Combating Gang Activity in Prison." Combating …show more content…
Staff positions within a prison other than correctional officers are; middle managers and supervisors, wardens, medical staff specialists, administration, teachers and counselors.
Federal Prison Jobs. N.p., n.d. Web. .
(n.d.): n. pag. Corrections Personnel Roles and Functions. Web. .
5. Correctional officers job duties are; supervising inmates, enforcing rules and regulations to ensure that inmates and that inmates are following those rules, settling disputes between inmates, preventing inmates from escaping, preventing assaults on one another and preventing disturbances. They also search all incoming mail and do cell searches for contraband. In addition, correctional officers are responsible for escorting inmates for medical treatment, courtrooms, and transfers.
"What Are the Duties of a Correctional Officer?" N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016. .
6. Some causes of stress for correctional officers are, not having enough time to spend with their family due to work overload, lack of job satisfaction, low salary, overtime demands, interacting with inmates and the risks of being injured on the job.
"Causes of Correctional Officer Stress and Its Consequences." NICIC.gov:. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May 2016.