The nature- nurture debate refers to the processes that we grow and develop. Nature implies that we develop certain aspects because we are genetically supposed to. However, nurture implies that we develop because of our surroundings, what we learn and influence from our role models.…
In contrast, Starr Kang explains what proponents on the other side of this debate believe. “Children raised in healthy, positive environments are more likely to grow into productive successful adults than children raised in negative, threatening environments. Thus, people 's behavior is a reflection of how they were raised and the situations they experienced in life, not the result of inherited traits.” (Kang, n.d.)…
- While children are influenced by many things, there are no stronger influences that that of their parents as they are usually their child’s first playmates and while the world expands with each passing year, parental influence is still one of the greatest factors in determining the ways in which a child will grow and develop.…
Nature is your genes, your predispositions, your biology, which you have inherited from your parents and this cannot be influenced by the environment. Nurture is your environment, it is your parents, home, school, neighbourhood, society, and culture. This can be influenced. This concept argues that human development is the result of genetic inheritance or environmental influences (devonk11, 2013). It is hard to say what has had a greater influence on making me the person I am today. I am a shy introverted person and so was my mother, I cannot say whether I inherited this or learned this. I remember my mother telling me as a child that I was not good at maths because I ‘took after her’ and so I was never good at maths. I could have been predisposed to difficulty with numbers through genetics and my mother nurtured this idea. My father was an alcoholic and the side of nature would suggest that I would have an…
Q: In your own words, detail the ‘for’ and ‘against’ arguments with regard to innate and learned behaviour. Feel free to include your own opinion, but be sure to justify it. Try to include an equal amount of information for both sides. Use at least 500 words for your answer.…
Whether nature or nurture has more of an influence over individual development is debatable and has been a common argument in the field of psychology for a long time. Nature refers to inherited traits and genes given to us at birth which we have no control over, and nurture refers to family, friends or society. The exchange between nature and nurture is dynamic and complex and both nature and nurture cause dynamic and continuous influence on development. The relationship between nature and nurture cannot be explained definitively and it is hard to determine which one influences human development more.…
lower educated families because I hypothesize that higher educated families convey higher expectations to their children. According to Daniel T. Willingham, “Parents who know more about how children learn and grow talk to their children in more complex ways and more often solicit ideas from their children, and high-SES (social economic status) parents often have this knowledge and convey higher expectations.” This statement implies that even at an earlier age parents of higher SES begin to invest more into their children than lower SES families. After investing years of modeling these behaviors children are expected to act accordingly. However, families that invest lower levels of positive behavior modeling expect less of their children.…
the style utilized to raise a child, how successful children become is dependent on the parents.…
(Culture and Development, 2012) Biological as well as cultural influences can encourage development in infants and toddlers. A child brought up in a loving and nurturing home will receive love and support through their life. Parents make a great impression on that child and can encourage them to make the best choices as they develop. A family life is part of nature and environment, which molds a child’s identity. (Culture and Development, 2014) There are however children that have supportive families but are not loved and nurtured. If a child misses this loving and nurturing aspect they might not do their best in something like their academics. Children need a supportive and loving home is develops their behaviors during the infant and toddler…
Nature versus nurture is one of the oldest debates in the world of psychology. It centers on the contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to the development of human beings.…
Nature is known as the innate ability to develop a certain type of way, it looks at how an individual develops with regards to their biology. Nurture is known as the abilities that an individual develops over time due to different factors that can be emotional, social, intellectual and physically developed over a certain period of time. It can be argued what influences what in regards to these concepts.…
Nature is the biological qualities that an individual inherits from his parents through conception and nurture is the environmental factors and experiences that influence the individual from birth.…
5. Nature refers to the influence of the genes that people inherit. Nurture refers to environmental influences, beginning with the health and diet of the embryo’s mother and continuing lifelong, including family, school, culture, and society.…
It’s been scientifically proven that 90% percent of all adult smokers started smoking when they were kids. Because they saw that their parents were smoking and they were influenced to smoke too. Another assumption, parents who smoke impact their children by kids having different behavior attitudes. Kids who were straight A students tend to have D’s and C’s in their classes after they were affected by…
Fast-growing understanding of the human genome has recently made it clear that both sides are partly right. Nature endows us with inborn abilities and traits; nurture takes these genetic tendencies and moulds them as we learn and mature. End of story, right? Nope. The "nature vs. nurture" debate still rages on, as scientist fight over how much of whom we are is shaped by genes and how much by the environment. (…