‘Innovation is the application of creativity to give rise to a new product, service or process delivering something new or better to the world’
The academics argue that creativity is pre-requisite for innovation to take place. Andriopoulos and Dawson (2011) provide that organizational creativity is generation of novel and useful ideas and innovation is the process of realization of those ideas.
According Bessant and Tidd (2007) innovation is application of creativity to produce new products, service or process which provide competitive advantage for firms, organizations and teams. Andriopoulos summarize that innovation is process of translating ideas into useful, demanded products, services. In this essence for team to be successful their organization design and management should be matching to business environment needs. Burns and Stalker (1961).
Andriopoulos provide that there are main three level of innovation: radical, modular and incremental innovation. The radical innovation is the new product which has sunstantial impact to industry and market, iPad could serve as example. Modular innovation is significant improvements on the existing product or services such as iPhone newer models over previous ones. The furniture case provides example of radical and modular innovation application whereas the flavored beer production had elements of modular and incremental innovation.
The Endeavour team demonstrated not only example of creativity when illuminating idea about “Foldo” chair but also exemplified innovation by implementing the idea into product which was successfully accepted by market. The team showed flexibility by adapting to market research and feedback from key players in London furniture market for flat-pack furniture.
One of success factors for Endeavour team was project management style deployed by Jordan, being analytical person he stayed open for