It is a fact that over seventy percent of the words populous derive some level of protein and nutrients from insect-based food sources. In this country, it is looked at as uncouth or taboos to even consider such an act as consuming a cockroach or perhaps a grasshopper. This may all change if current ecological trends persist.
Should a program be put into effect to begin integration of insects into the diets of Americans, for low cost, low impact sources of protein?
The purpose if this paper will be to introduce the reader to the concept of universal integration (at least at some level,) of insect as a future protein, as well as a technological, and medical source. We will discuss the pros and cons associated with these topics in an unbiased informative manor and allow the reader to decide for themselves if it is indeed possible as a person as well as a society to overlook the “gross” factor associated with this topic, and see the benefits such an undertaking might hold.
A considerable portion of the world lacks the means (e.g. Land, water, food,) to produce large hoofed animals such as cattle and pigs, which in European decent countries is considered the primary sources of food product. Instead they turn to select insect species that are raised in much smaller areas that require almost no space or food to produce, and unlike hoofed animals (cattle especially) have extra added benefits associated with their waste products. In the case of worms when feed newspaper they produce one of the most beneficial fertilizers known, thereby preventing heaps of paper from being dumped in to landfills, and also a means to economically produce higher yielding crops.
For what it takes to bring one cow to
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