Watchman believed that it was an insult that the government was supposed to be designed by the people if half of the people were excluded because of their social economics.
Watchman wrote “Every poor man has a life, a personal liberty, and a right to his earnings, and is in danger of being injured by government in a variety of ways; therefore is necessary that these people should enjoy the right of voting for representatives. He wrote in such belief that no matter what race, religion, or social background that the men should still have the same equality among one another. To have only half of the state select government who would be in charge of their lives and personal liberty was oppressive. This was still not considered “free” if the men were not able to have the equal right to vote. It reminds me of a quote Obama said “If the people cannot trust their government to do for which it exists to protect them and to promote their common welfare all else is lost.”
Watchman t
Noah Websterwrote “property is the basis of power.”It seemed to be set up where white people would have the power and the rest would continue to struggle because primogeniture is established and most property wouldn’t be distributed among people. Webster considered that equal distribution of landed property was more important to freedom than liberty because property for example; would prevent a restriction of the press, abolition of trial by jury, or the abridgement of any other privilege. The philosophies of freedom wouldn’t bring change and wouldn’t have an effect to change government.