Integrative Paper
This paper is an analysis that gives the concepts presented by John P. Kotter’s, “The Heat of Change”, book and the concepts presented by Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson’s, Organizational Behavior and Management text book. Kotter wrote and gave comparative situations on dealing with human behavioral and how to better manage them when presented in an organizational situation. He gave real life stories of events that happened in organizational situation. Kotter showed how the employees and team members became motivated and how they overcame obstacles in his book.
Organizational Behavior and Management textbook gave theories, research and organizational applications that influenced the organization. Organizational behavior can be used to help companies create positive and effective company cultures, resulting in a more productive and profitable organization as a whole. In order to do this management must focus on each level: the organization as whole, organization groups, and individuals. Organizational Behavior and Management concept and The Heart of Change gave indicators that where successful interpretation of one another perceptions. The two books where a complement to one another while establishing each other theories.
Increase Urgency
Increase urgency action is the first step presented in The Heart of Change book which presents eight steps for a successful large-scale transformation to create a sense of urgency that the change is necessary. Urgency helps motivate employees to overcome changing behavior that suggest fear, anger, or negativity which could result in conflict. Employees see increase urgency without also increasing fear and anger first employee would have to maintain a clear problem definition and using illustrations that shows why the change is of urgency. People visualizing the dramatic situation instead of giving them an analysis a
Cited: Ivancevich, K. M. Herzberg 's Two-Factor Theory. Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson. Communicating Effectively. Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson. The Perceptual Process. In Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson. In J. P. Kotter, The Hear of Change. The Eight Steps for Successful Large-Scale Change. In J. P. Kotter. Kotter, J. P. The Flow of Change.