Intel Corporation is the biggest semiconductor and manufacturer in the world and changes the global marketplace radically. The Intel Corporation was founded and incorporated by Moore and Robert Noyce on 1968. The first PC (personal computer) were developed though the innovation of Intel Microprocessors. Being the pioneer of the microprocessor market had its advantages. The microprocessor market was a relatively new one, and barriers to market entry helped Intel become a giant. This particular market required a high level of expertise and vast knowledge of technology. Some of Intel’s main competitors were Advanced Micro Devices Incorporated, National Semiconductor Corporation, and NEC Corporation.
From the late 80s until the late 90s Intel had a 10-year period of unprecedented growth as the primary supplier to the PC industry, supplying microprocessor to IBM. Intel’s product line of Pentium processors had become a household name. Today at least 80% of Intel’s processors are used in PCs globally. Their product line consists of: chipsets, motherboards, flash memory used in wireless communications, networking devices, laser printers, industrial machinery, and cellular phone base stations. Throughout the 1980s, Intel continued to release one chip after another, each one more efficient and effective than the preceding. During the early 1990’s Intel had an established reputation as a company that was consistently at the forefront of innovation. In the integrated circuit industry, a company’s innovation is fundamental to its success. “Moore’s Law”—the industry-wide benchmark for innovation—was created by Intel cofounder Gordon Moore. The law claims that the number of components on a chip doubles every two years. Intel’s adherence to Moore’s law is costly.
Intel’s strong customer ties with major buyers of integrated circuits have also proved beneficial. IBM, Intel's largest buyer, has proved to be an important source of Intel's annual