1. What is ITS? Describe the purpose of ITS.
ITS refers to transportation systems which apply emerging hard and soft information systems technologies to address and alleviate transportation congestion problems.
2. What is an infrastructure?
An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
3. How can the use of “advanced surveillance systems” help traffic in a city?
advanced surveillance systems, the early stages of a traffic bottleneck situation can be detected, and traffic can then be directed to other routes to mitigate the congestion and to provide faster and more efficient routes for travelers.
4. List any 3 of the range of technologies involved in “ITS”?
computer informatics engineering computer science
5. Provide 2 examples of “Intelligent Transportation Systems”—ITS with google image examples:
Example 1: road crossing button
Image Example:
Example 2:
Automatic speed enforcement
Image Example
6. Describe a non-intelligent transportation system. Give 2 examples
Example 1:
Image Example:
Example 2:
bicycle paths
Image Example:
7. What does the design of intelligent and non-intelligent transportation systems depend on? the designs depend on whether or nsdfdsfdsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfot it will be a non intelligent system or an intelligent one. from there the design
Intelligent and Non-Intelligent Transportation Systems
1. What is ITS? Describe the purpose of ITS.
ITS refers to transportation systems which apply emerging hard and soft information systems technologies to address and alleviate transportation congestion problems.
2. What is an infrastructure?
An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system.
3. How can the use of “advanced surveillance systems” help traffic in a city?
advanced surveillance systems, the early stages of a