B.A. International Management
Thema: Drug tests in India
I Contents
I Contents II
II List of figures III
III List of abbreviations IV
1 Essential moral standards and norms 1
2 The practical value of economic ethics concepts 3
3 The RADAR concept 5
4 Business activity in India 8
5 Comparison of the cultures 9
6 Preperation for the NGO meeting 14
IV. Bibliography V
II List of figures
Figure 1: Overview of the different business ethics concepts 3
Figure 2: Points of the RADAR concept 5
Figure 3: Comparison of the differen cultural dimensions 9
IV List of abbreviations
BVVB AG Bacteria and Virus Vaccine Biotechnology
CRE Ltd. Clinical Researche Enterprise Limited
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
WMA World Medical Association
PDI Power Distance
IDV Individualism vs. Collectivism
MAS Masculinity vs. Femininity
UAI Uncertainty Avoidance
LTO Long-Term Orientation
Cf Confer
1 Essential moral standards and norms “Humans are more moral than they think and far more immoral than they can imag-ine.” Sigmund Freud
In general moral standards and norms are always based on a culture. Every culture has got its own definition of morality and ethics.
Morality can be defined as the standards that an individual or group has got about what is right and wrong, or good and evil.
The pharma industry itself includes some essential moral standards and norms on na-tional and international base.
First it is necessary to prove moral standards and norms on a global level. The “Declara-tion of Helsinki” developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) is: “a statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, including research on identifiable human material and data.”
Furthermore this declaration gives essential moral standards and norms according to the pharmaceutical branch, e.g. “In medical research involving human subjects, the well-being of
Bibliography: Literature FREUD, Sigmund (1930), “Civilisations and its Discontents” KANT, Immanuel, "Good Will, Duty, and the Categorical Imperative," ed. Anthony Serafini, Ethics and Social Concern (1989) (New York: Paragon House Publishers) LIPPER RASMUSSEN, Kaspar (2005) „Deontology, Responsibility and Equality“ SALZMANN, Todd A. (1995), „Deontology and Teleology“ ULRICH, Peter (2008), „Integrative Business Ethics: Foundation of a Civilized Market Econo-my” ULRICH, Peter (1997), “Integrative Wirtschaftsethik – Grundlagen einer lebensdienlichen Ökonomie” Web research Homepage from the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle für die Arzneimittelindustrie e.V., „Verhal-tenskodex“, URL: http://www.fs-arzneimittelindustrie.de/verhaltenskodex/ivd/ (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Hompage from the American Medical Association, „Declaration of Professional Responsibil-ity”, URL: http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/declaration-professional-responsibility.page? (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Published paper by the Indian Council of Medical Research, “Ethical Guidelines for biomedi-cal research on human participants”, (2006), URL: http://icmr.nic.in/ethical_guidelines.pdf (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Homepage from Handelsblatt, FRANK, Sergey „Die indische Kultur besser verstehen“, (2009) URL: www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/management/strategie/weltspitze-die-indische-kultur-besser-verstehen/3304528.html (last downloaded 10.11.2012) Homepage from Geert Hofstede, URL: geert-hofstede.com (last downloaded 12/11/2012) http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/178430-morality-is-temporary-wisdom-is-permanent (last downloaded 12/11/2012)