|4.1 General Requirements | | |
|Has your organization established a management system (QMS) |The QMS system applies to all major processes throughout the company | |
|giving consideration to: |including marketing, finance, and operations. | |
|Identifying the processes needed and the |Each of the processes are interconnected through the SAP system. | |
|application of the processes throughout the organization: |The criteria for control is based upon our mission statement and | |
|Determining the sequence and interaction of the processes? |commitment to quality and the needs of our customers and other | |
|Determining the criteria and methods for operation and control |stakeholders. | |
|of the processes? |Open communication and information sharing will be supported through | |
|Ensuring the availability of resources and information to |the SAP system. | |
|support the processes? |An intensive testing plan is in place that monitors the product in | |
|Monitoring, measuring and analyzing these processes? |all stages of production. | |
|Implementing actions to achieve planned results and the |We have the support of all upper management to direct employees in |