|SAP ERP |The data entry requirements in the sales & | |Before you use this case study, you should be |
|G.B.I. |distribution exercises (SD 1 through SD 8) were | |familiar with navigation in the SAP system. |
|Release 6.04 |minimized because much of the data was stored in | | |
| |the SAP system. This stored data, known as master| |In order to successfully work through this case |
|Level |data, simplifies the processing of business | |study, it is not necessary to have finished the SD |
|Undergraduate |transactions. | |exercises (SD 1 through SD 8). However, it is |
|Graduate | | |recommended. |
|Beginner |In the sales order process, we used master data | | |
| |for customers, materials (the products we sold) | |NOTES |
|Focus |and pricing to simplify the sales order process. | |This case study uses the Global Bike Inc. (G.B.I.) |
|Sales and Distribution | | |data set, which has exclusively been created for SAP|
| |In this case study, we will create the master | |UA global curricula.