| |Major Concepts |Process of Theory Proposed |Process-Driven Quality |Customer-Driven Quality |Company Example That Has Applied |
|Theorist: | | |Requirements |Requirements |This Theory |
|Juran |Juran promotes the view that |Juran identifies three basic |It all begins with quality |The customer’s demands are an |Gassner |
| |organizational quality problems |processes that are essential for |planning. The purpose of quality |intregal part of the process when| |
| |are largely the result of |managing to improve quality knows|is to provide the |it comes to quality requirements.| |
| |insufficient and |as the Juran trilogy. The three |operating forces with the means |There always has to be a plan to | |
| |Ineffective planning for quality.|aspects of Juran’s trilogy are |of producing products that can |maintain a quality product. | |
| |He argues that companies must |planning, control, and |meet the | | |
| |revise strategic planning |Improvement. His economic concept|Customer’s needs. Another | | |
| |processes and achieve mastery |was called Pareto’s Law or 80/20 |important Juran concept is | |