1. Does the organisation have the human, informational, financial and supply resources appropriate for marketing?
2. What do trends in marketing results and organisational performance suggest about the effectiveness of previous plans and the content of future plans?
3. What goods and services are currently offered and how do they contribute to turnover and profits?
4. How do the organisation’s offerings provide value to customers – and is this value competitively superior?
5. Are the offerings suitable for the organisation’s mission, goals and resources?
6. What are the trends in customer needs, acquisition, retention and loyalty?
7. How do buiness relationships affect capacity quality, costs and availiability?
8. What marketing research does the organisation need to support marketing planning?
9. What lessons can be applied to the marketing plan, based on the internal audit?
Organisational resources and capabilities
Human resources
Workforce knowledge, skills, morale turnover
Top management support
Individual commitment, initiative, interpreneurial spirit
Recrutement, trianing, rewards
Informational resources
Data capture, storage, reporting systems
Analysis tools
Access to timely, accurate, complete information
Financial resources
Funding for marketing activities
Funding for research
Funding for internal support
Anticipated funding for multi-year programmes
Supply resources
Ample availiability of materials, parts, components and services
Supply chain relationships
Inventory management
Current offerings
Composition, sales and market share of product mix and lines
Customer needs satisfied by features and benefits
Product pricing and profitability, contribution to overall performance
Product age and position in product cycle
Links to other products
Previous performance
Prior year sales (in units and monetary terms)
Prior year profits and other financial results
Historic trends in sales and profits by product, geographic