My internship strengthened my knowledge of medicine and gave me solid clinical skills, which prepared me for the more demanding responsibilities of my residency .With a dream of becoming an outstanding physician; after my internship in 2005, I worked at multiple community based Hospital's in Pakistan for a year to serve needy people that also improve my clinical skills and strengthened my clinical knowledge. From 2006-2008, I worked at Karachi Institute of Heart Diseases as Resident Medical Officer, during my training I learned not only mechanism, pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases but also gained tremendous knowledge in general Internal Medicine by diagnosing and treating complications of Myocardial Infarction and Post Angiography patients like Respiratory compromise and Renal failure. I was rotated weekly in Emergency department, Intensive care unit and general ward. Through this training my interest in Internal Medicine was solidified by the ability to connect with patients and development of strong emotional ties.
Internal medicine offers human interaction with wide spectrum of patients of all ages and socioeconomic status. It requires an emphasis on continued care, preventive practices, and complex problem solving skills. I value the emphasis internal medicine places on prevention which is the cornerstone of cost effective health care. Internal Medicine is the perfect medium through which I can develop the clinical skills and