History of the International Chamber of Commerce
The ICC's origins * The International Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1919 with an overriding aim that remains unchanged: to serve world business by promoting trade and investment, open markets for goods and services, and the free flow of capital. * Much of ICC's initial impetus came from its first president, Etienne Clémentel, a former French minister of commerce. Under his influence, the organization's international secretariat was established in Paris and he was instrumental in creating the ICC International Court of Arbitration in 1923.
There are two ways to become a member of ICC : 1. Through affiliation with an ICC national committee or group.
2. By direct membership with the ICC International Secretariat when a national committee/group has not yet been established in your country/territory. Promoting growth and prosperity * ICC provides world business recommendations to the World Trade Organization. * ICC speaks for world business when governments take up such issues as intellectual property rights, transport policy, trade law or the environment. * Signed articles by ICC leaders in major newspapers and radio and TV interviews reinforce the ICC stance on trade, investment and other business topics. * Every year, the ICC Presidency meets with the leader of the G8 host country to provide business input to