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Report on the ‘Sandford’ Joint Venture in East Timor
Date: 30th September 2011 For: George Jackson From: Mizanur Rahman
Executive Summary Freemantle Construction operates in a domestic environment against ever increasing competition in a saturated market, trying to maintain market share during economic downturn. In contrast Sandford has a strong international presence in the hotel/leisure industry and is looking at diversification to improve their competitive advantage and compliment their current offerings. The opportunity presented by this Joint Venture (JV) will assist both Sandford and Fremantle in entering a new market. It will be challenging mainly because of the fact that both firms are from different industries and may have different goals/objectives along with differing management styles. Furthermore, the JV’s first project is situated in the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste (DRTL), which will have its own complexities to contend with, be it government/business policies or technology/skills shortages etc. The JV will have to consider a decision making processes throughout the partnership, which could be difficult, with each firm’s needs possibly being different. For a successful JV, the partners need to be honest, trustworthy, committed and focus on what will be best for the JV rather than on their own needs. Beamish (2008) quoted that firms enter JVs in order to create new products/services and enter new/foreign markets. This is the key benefit to this JV, whilst there are many risk factors to consider, the rewards will possibly outweigh this but only if all the obstacles and opportunities are correctly assessed and an appropriate strategy is agreed and implemented.
Introduction This report was commissioned by Mr Benny Garstead.
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