The international competitiveness of industries and trade promotion policies are analysed from a network perception which highlights the role and significance of conditional relations and networks bridging industry and international limitations. Networks that are involved in the whole value production system categorize networks on their potential international competitiveness and the location of networks in local or foreign markets. Which leads to the ID of diverse networks that make available opportunities as well as threats to the international performance of firms.
Introduction * What role does the Internet play in international competitiveness? With the progressively growing global economy the wealth of a business depends on the international competitiveness of its organization. With this perception a firm 's presentation, which includes its international competitiveness depends on the businesses efforts, skills and the businesses resources it’s also important to have good performance and to be create a bond with other firms and organizations. One thing that is important to remember is the difficulties and requests of the buyers and sellers, to reinforce international effectiveness having a good relationship matters. Having victory within international business depends on establishing and managing positive relations with foreign colleagues and foreign buyers. These relationships will be long term in natural surroundings and consist of each person adjusting to the needs and problems one another. This development leads to the progression of merchandises and the bonding of firms which will lead to a long term relationship. Competition is known as the principle of capitalism. Businesses make the product and consumers purchase based upon other consumers opinions of the products or services, consumers want the best quality and service for their money. If a company makes a
References: Cronin, M.J. (2011) Global advantage on the internet Deresky, H (2011) International Management (Managing Across Borders and Cultures) 7th Ed. Prentice Hall