23 January 2015
Melissa Vile
The psychological cause of internet addiction
The Internet is very peculiar it’s an object making information more accessible to
the world. In this era the internet has become an integral part of many peoples
work and personal life. It has helped in so many different aspects from being
able to create connection of communication with family and friends all the way
across the world, to paying your mortgage with just a click of a button, and even
advertisement for business. However, with every beautiful thing comes a downfall. This
object leads to people sitting in front of computer, where as it becomes the center of
ones life leading to internet addiction. As stated, in the encyclopedia of mental disorders
“internet addiction disorder refers to the problematic use of the Internet, including the
various aspects of its technology, such as electronic mail (e-mail) and the World Wide
Web.” Internet addiction has now become a recognizable disorder by American
Psychological Association. Furthermore, they have found that internet addiction
has causes and can result in psychological effects from a biological standpoint,
there may be a combination of genes that make a person more susceptible to
addictive behaviors.
Firstly, it is important to note the causes of Internet addiction. One of the major
Underlying causes of Internet addiction is when one is feeling overwhelmed or stressed.
For example; when one has little or no time to prepare for an important exam, and
knowing they will not do well they seek something to distract them. One may use the
Internet for distractions so one can have no worries or fears. In result it is mood altering
therefore one finds it pleasurable. Just as a person addicted to shopping may feel an
adrenaline rush or pleasurable change in mood from the series of actions related
to a spending