Internet Marketing
Since its release in 1991, Internet revolution has changed the way companies do business and customers & consumers buy products. Chaffey et. al. (2003) defines Internet Marketing as the use of Internet to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. Internet opens a world of opportunities to the organizations as well as customers. It gives customers a much wider choice of products, services and prices from various suppliers. For organizations, it gives opportunity to widen horizons by entering new markets and offering new services thereby competing with larger business. Internet marketing may be used for business to business or business to consumer environment (Chaffey et al., 2003). Location-free and lower cost of retailing on Internet has encouraged many retailers to have an online presence. This has given rise to two types of retail brands, entirely new and internet dependent, ‘Cyber Brands’ and other which are supported by market based presence called ‘Extension Brands’. Physical absence from the market and lack of consumer exposure is a serious marketing challenge for cyber brands. Whereas extension brands have the advantage previous customer experience and brand image which makes them more competitive. However few cyber brands such as Amazon, Expedia and CDNow have captured a significant market share posing a threat to existing players. Internet shoppers expect much more than lower prices. Cyber brands should focus on building brand awareness and develop a trust-based relationship. Extension brands should take advantage of their brand image and use cross promotional strategies such as giving coupons which can be redeemed online or advertise in store campaigns on their website (Saasksjarvi & Saimee, 2007).
A webpage can be used to promote products & services, provide information about various products, create new revenue streams, Brand building, communication, recruitment, customer service & technical assistance and cost
Bibliography: -
1. Afuah, A. & Tucci C. (2003), Internet Business Models & Strategies. NewYork: McGraw Hill.
2. Chaffey, D., Mayer, R., Johnston, K., and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2003), Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation & Practice. Italy: Pearson Education.
3. Ellsworth, J. & Ellsworth, M. (1997). Marketing on the Internet. USA: John Wiley Publications.
4. Evans, M. & Moutinho, L. (1999), Contemporary issues in marketing. Bristol: Palgrave Macmillan.
5. Mohammed, R., Fisher, R., Jaworski, B., and Paddison, G. (2003), Internet Marketing: Building advantage in a networked economy. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.
6. Saaksjarvi, M. & Saimee, S. (2007), Non price antecedents of consumer preference for Cyber and Extension Brands. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21(2), pp 23-33.
7. Sivaramakrishnan, S., Wan, F., and Tang Z. (2007), Giving an “E-human Touch” to E-Tailing: The moderating roles of static information quantity and consumption motive in the effectiveness of an Anthropomorphic Information agent. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 21(4), pp 61-62.
8. Web 1- Http://