To determine what internet tools could help your employees communicate and obtain information more efficiently, I researched your company. After reviewing information available to me and comparing it with what is currently available for use, I have some interesting recommendations.
I think the company would benefit from using intranets. Intranets are networks that connect all of the different departments together and allowing them to access company information. Sales and marketing would benefit from the use of intranets, by having access to information pertaining to what is selling and what is not. They could come up with a strategy to increase sales of these products plus those that are currently doing well in sales. They could also use this information to branch out into new market areas. Allowing them to access current production information would allow them to better alert vendors as to what needs to be sold faster. It will also allow for better inventory control, not only on production but with materials needed for production. Human resources would benefit from use of intranets as well. They would be better equipped to handle staffing needs. If scheduling overtime is needed it can be better project with access to production information. Human resources would also benefit greatly from the use of an intranet to determine if additional employees are required to meet production and manufacturing needs. The production and manufacturing departments will be better prepared to meet customer needs with access to sales and marketing information offered through the use of intranets. These departments work hand in hand to ensure item sold by the company are not sitting in inventory. In this way over stock of items is less likely to occur.
The addition of an extranet would benefit the company greatly. An extranet is used to allow venders and suppliers to access information within the company. These are protected by firewalls and additional