This project is designed to be completed over the course of a full year. First quarter the following parts are due: Written Proposal, Restaurant Concept; second quarter, the following parts are due: Menu and Marketing Plan; third quarter, the following parts are due: the Verbal Proposal and 4th quarter the following parts are due:, the Visual Display, Critical Thinking Skills, and Verbal Presentation.
Mastery Objective: Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the restaurant and foodservice industry by developing a business proposal for a new restaurant concept. The business proposal will consist of a defined restaurant concept, supporting menu, and supporting marketing plan. Students will prepare a comprehensive written proposal, verbal presentation and visual display. Students will also be tested on their critical thinking skills by reacting to potential management challenges related to their concept. The student’s final proposal will be presented to committee of members of our school and community.
Examples of past projects can be viewed at:
Oral Presentation Attire: Students must dress in a uniform during the Verbal Presentation. The uniform consists of: solid color, long sleeve button down dress shirt, dress pant or skirt and professional footwear which projects a professional attitude.
1st Quarter Scoring Rubric WRITTEN PROPOSALThe written proposal must be typewritten (other than samples or exhibits). The proposal should follow the outline in Exhibit A, and each section should be separated by tabs. Students will prepare 6 copies of the proposal in a clear front, soft-bound report format. The outside back cover of the written proposal must list the following information: school name, students name and concept name. | The information in the written proposal must be presented in the following order in a binder, with