Durre Shawar and Muhammad Asim
Voting is the main form of political participation in democratic societies and the study of voting behavior is a highly specialized sub-field in political and social science. The study was concerned with the reasons why people vote the way they do. The main objectives of the present study were to find out the factors which affect the voting behavior & to explore the factors that constitute political affiliation in District Faisalabad. A sample of 160 household respondents was selected systematically from District Faisalabad through multistage sampling technique. Specifically explored through this study the relationship of voting behavior with education, internal changes in the party, voter’s satisfaction and biradrism are those factors that had strong effect on voting decisions. More than fifty percent (55%) of the respondents vote for the candidate not for the party and (53.1%) of the voters change their behavior due to the internal changes in the party. The value of Chi-Square and Gamma showed a significant and strong association between voter satisfaction with particular political party, favour of biradrism and internal change in the party are strongly associated with voter 's behavior. Keywords: voting behavior, class, religion, caste, ethnicity and biradri
Introduction Man is a social being, and as such he always contributes in social life. But this contribution is not constant: the intensity and types of participation are relevant variables in political analysis. Voting behavior is very important topic because through this we can know the will of people and also the way they want to have it .Voting is very important tool in democratic societies. Democracy provides a chance to the people to become a dynamic citizens rather than inactive subjects (Jost, 2006). A person who is the citizen of Pakistan, is not less
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