Every internship report will be unique because every internship experience is highly personal. Nevertheless there are certain elements which must appear in every internship report.
Here is a list of the required elements:
| Element | Description | Progress | 1. | Front & Back Cover Design | Title: “Industrial Training Report 2011”The front and back cover design must project your personality, your elective module and the company you were assigned to. | | 2. | First page / page one | This page with have all the necessary details about you i.e. … * Your Name: * Person in charge of Internship: (lecturer or person appointed to assess your Internship Report). * Date: * The quarter you took the internship (the name of the company you were assigned to for the internship). * A phrase describing your work there (be creative and positive in the statement). | | 3. | Page Two | Table of contents | | 4. | Page Three | Page Three onwards will contain the items (the contents) in the following order: 1. The IntroductionIt must contain a Statement of Purpose stating the type of report (why are you writing it and why you need to write/document it.) 2. Copy of the entire Learning Contract(The University Internship Program Form). 3. Copy of the Supervisor’s Evaluation document. 4. Profile of the Company you were attached to for Internship Training.Description of your work environment: the organizational structure, informal social structure, work group associations, and communication channels. (Support with photos of work environment and colleagues). 5. The Process of Work. * Description of the planning, research, and drafting stages. * Description of the review, testing and revision stages. * Description of the final execution (state the media) 6. Summary of the Internship (8-15 pages), written after you have completed the internship training. In the summary you will have the following: * The tasks you