Meaning of Interpersonal Communication
2.0 Elements Of Interpersonal Communication 4-6
2.1 People
2.2 Channels
2.3 Interference
2.4 Context
3.0 Possible Causes Of Interpersonal Conflict 7-8 3.1 Conflict is Inevitable 3.2 Conflict Can Have Negative and Positive Effects 3.3 Conflict Can Focus On Content 3.4 Conflict Styles Have Consequences
4.0 Strategies To Resolve The Interpersonal Conflict 9-11 4.1 Avoid and Negotiate 4.2 Focus on Issues, Not Personalities 4.3 Attack or Accept 4.4 Be Mindful and Flexible
5.0 SUMMARY 12
1.0 INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION According to Wikipedia, interpersonal communication is exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study. Related skills are learned and can be improved. During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving. This can be conducted using both direct and indirect methods. Successful interpersonal communication is when the message senders and the message receivers understand the message. Yap, K.H. (2009) defined interpersonal communication as a significant branch of communication in inter-human systems of communication. It is part of our social interaction forming interpersonal relationships. Primarily we study the individual’s communication system because of its inherent relationship to interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication deals with communication between people. As such, interpersonal communication is formed when a person interacts with another person, learns about them and others who they are. Interpersonal communication is the universal form of communication that takes place between two individuals. Since it is person-to-person contact, it includes everyday exchange that may be formal or informal and can take place anywhere by means of words, sounds, facial expression, gestures and postures. In
References: 1. Interpersonal Communication (2013). [Online] Available: (2013, July 01) 2. Introduction to Sociology (2011). [Online] Available: (2013, July 01) 3. Definition of Interpersonal Communication (2013). [Online] Available: (2013, July 01) 4. Chapter 12: Interpersonal Conflict and Conflict Management (2011). [Online] Available: (2013, July 01) 5. Interpersonal Communication Skills (2013). [Online] Available: 6. The Interpersonal Communication Book (1995-2013). [Online] Available: (2013, July 15) 7. Rinehart, S.H. (n.d.). Managing Conflict Creatively. [Online] Available: (2013, July 15)