September 22, 2014
Interview a Senior Citizen
The most rapidly growing age group in the United States is the elderly, or those individuals age sixty-five and older (Wood, Wood, & Boyd, 2011). Late adulthood stretches from age 65 to the end of the lifespan (Laura E Berk, 2010, p. 1). Or it can be called gerontology which is the study of the aging processes and individuals as they grow from middle age through later life. ("Association For Gerontology For Higher Education ", n.d.). In order to understand the changes in late adulthood I interviewed a sixty eight year old African American male, who I will refer to as the participant. He is retired from Military and Law Enforcement each he has spent over 30 years in service. The participant stated the main reason for his retirement was so that he could care for his wife and have more time for his family. He was married on August 3, 1981 and married for 33 years. The participant has two girls and two boys. His oldest daughter was born in 1970, oldest son in 1972, his youngest son in 1975, and his baby girl in 1985. The participant viewed aging in a very positive and healthy manner. He believed that an encouraging attitude helps in accepting physical and psychosocial changes.
Notable and Surprising Features of Interview
In our reading in chapter 16 we discussed Erickson’s Theory: Generativity versus Stagnation. “This is when a person reaches out to others in ways that gives to and guide the next generation.” (Berk, 2010, "Chapter 16, Erickson 's Theory: Generativity versus Stagnation ") The participant noted that he loves to help others when he can; especially his children and grandchildren. It is something that brings him joy and pleasure. This also gives him a sense of completion. During his retirement the participant has dedicated his time to help his family in any way that he can. He also stated that while he was working he did not have allot of free time, so he
References: Berk, Laura E.. (2010). Development through the lifespan. Retrieved from Berk, Laura E., Psych600-Developmental Psychology website. Wood, S. E., Wood, E. G., & Boyd, D. (2011). the world of psychology (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc/Allyn and Bacon. Zeilig, H. (2011). The critical use of narrative and literature in gerontology. International Journal of Ageing & Later Life., 6(2), 30. SocINDEX with Full Text. Interview With A Senior Citizen 1. Date of Birth? September 18, 1946 5. Last place of employment? South Carolina State University Police Department. Police Sargent and Training Officer. Employed from December 2001 to August 2014 6. When is your anniversary? August 3, 1981