Example questions: 1. This job analysis tool uses the following scales to rate the importance of tasks: extent of use, amount of time, importance to the job, and possibility of occurrence. A. Fleishman B. Position Analysis Questionnaire C. O*Net D. Job Element Inventory
2. Your company is currently faced with a labor shortage. You need to correct the situation, but want to choose an option that is fast, yet can be “undone” when the shortage goes away (revocability). Of the following options, which one does NOT meet both of these conditions? A. Overtime B. New external hires C. Temporary workers D. Outsourcing
HRM Overview
* Three methods to assess whether HRM matters
-Conceptual Arguments - resource based view - the value of resources depends on several factors - are good people rare? Yes depending on the economy - are good people inimitable? Yes because they create history, they create culture, they make numerous small decisions-> none of these can be copied
-Case Studies - examine companies that do well/struggle financially to see if they do good/poor job managing HRM - Container Store
-Quantitative Studies - look at companies who have been recognized for their HRM quality to see if their practices have seemed to create sustainable competitive advantage
* The “resource-based view” of the firm * What are some kinds of “resources”? -financial, physical, interpersonal * What is a competitive advantage? * What factors contribute to making resources valuable and that, in turn, give companies a competitive advantage?
* From the lecture slides and the article “Putting people first” by Pfeffer and Veiga: In a