Germany is a country with rich history that is not yet fully understood. Everyday scientists are discovering the new evidence about the past of this magnificent country. It is located in the middle of Europe with one of largest population in Europe- 82.3 million people, but its area – 357.000 squares per km²- significantly less than France. The climate is mild, favorable for agriculture. In the winter, only in the north-eastern part, the average temperature reaches down below zero, so they even grow grapes. In Germany they take a tended care of the lands so carefully so that they even sow the weeds on purpose, in special designated fields. Germans also give much time to livestock, especially for the pig breeding.
The economy of this country is one of the most advanced countries in the world and in the European Union. Above all, Germany is a country of highly advanced industries. In ancient times, in Ruhr they mined coal. So that nowadays, Germany ranks as the top 1 in world in the production of brown coal. The country is at the forefront of heavy industry and mechanical engineering. It manufactures world-famous cars- “Mercedes”, “Volkswagen”, “Audi”, “BMW”, “Opel”. Besides this, Germany is proud of its scholars, they made a great contribution to the development of science. Outstanding physicists- Albert Einstein, Max Born, Max Planck- the list of the famous scientists, actually, is endless. The Nobel Prize has been awarded to about one hundred people from Germany. Germany is a country in which the culture is getting higher and higher year by year. Goethe, Bach, Wagner, Beethoven – it is only a small part of wonderful and world-famous people who laid the foundation for the development of the culture all around the world. It is truly a place on Earth where great people get born.
Back in times, Germans hardly defended their independence from the encroachment of Roman Empire. The fight against the Romans came with the varying degrees