Study Guide
Week 1: Introduction to Theology
Textbook Readings:
Towns: Introduction & Ch. 1
1. What year was Jesus born? 4BC in Bethleham, South Palestine to an unknown family 2. When was Christianity made Rome’s National Religion? 313 AD 3. What is the Incarnation? God becoming man and taking on flesh 4. Does the Bible states that Jesus was the creator of the world. Yes (John 1:3; Col. 1:16) 5. Did Jesus claim to have supernatural origins. Yes (John 16:28, 17:5) 6. Who Baptized Jesus? John the Baptist 7. Did Jesus allow people to worship him? Yes (Matt. 8:2, 14:33; Mark 5:6)
Etzel & Gutierrez: Introduction & Chs. 1-5
1. Why does the author say that everyone is a theologian? Everyone has an opinion about religion 2. What areas of our lives are influenced by the way we see God? 3. How did Jesus show that he is worthy of our faith? 4. Do Christians need to ignore intellect and reason in order to have faith in Jesus? No 5. What does Jesus teach about truth?
Online Excerpts:
“Understanding the Faith”
1. How did the term “Christian” originate? A derogatory attack against the Disciple in Antioch (Acts 11:26) 2. Who was this book written for? For those who know something, and for those who want to know more about Christianity. 3. Why do some have mistaken ideas about Christianity? Media bias, televangelist, poor examples of Christians
“Prolegomena to Theology” - Pg. 18-24
1. What are the four tools for accurately arranging a systematic theology? History, revelation, faith, language 2. What four questions must we ask about faith? Is it harmonious, objective, symbolic, and available. 3. What 5 factors can limit our theology? Blindness, understanding, language, silence, ignorance, science
"The Names of Christ" – Pg. 160-173
1. What chapter of the New Testament does the Author suggest contains the most