After reading “The Not So Great Divide”, I came to the conclusion that doubt can lead to growth in faith development. Steve Wilkins author of “The Not So Great Divide” helped me realize that going to college and studying some of the subjects that you will be studying might have you doubting your belief in Christ he even writes “Like many others during their college years I went through stretches when I wondered weather my college and seminary were guilty of false advertising when they called themselves Christian. There were also times when my classes made me wonder wether I even wanted to remain a Christian.” The doubt that the professors at his university put in his mind led him to a “hefty dose of repentance and
desire for renewal”. Steve Wilkins also helps me to appreciate that someone else’s doubt and questioning has helped me build my theological traditions. So in Christianity it is not wrong to have doubts or questions as a matter of fact these can lead to greater depth, private prayer, and study that might not have ever taken place if it wasn’t for doubt. Doubt can lead you on a quest for more knowledge. Questioning often strengthens what we believe; and reawakens things that some of us have always taken for granted. I was raised with Christian values by a Christian family. Over the years I have not been close with Christ I have not been reading his word or going to church. I think all this studying, reading and writing about God is bringing me closer to him then I have been in decades. In closing I believe that Faith grows through doubt and Steve Wilkins writes about that in “The Not So Great Divide”.