This is a library and information system, used to help students and researchers to search for information, books, and preview researches, doing that by accessing this system through the internet using its facilities such as: high speed search, accuracy on getting data and the ability to get the hall related information about what they need.
This system (site) are containing the following pages:
The main page contain link to the Administrator page, users page, suggestion page, contact page and information about library page.
The all search page are used to searching for the available book in the library to be just view them and browsing the title of the researches that have been stored.
Show all book page are used to display all the available books in the library by presenting the book name , author name , book ID , book status and the content of the book .
Book search page containing a field to enter the number , title of the book or the book author , to searching for a book on the database if it's available.
Add a new book page are specially for the administrator which contain a fields of the book number , title, author name , section, location, collection, barcode and the statue of the book. Storing all these information's in the database to be use later to get this book.
Return book page are contain a field of the book number to be enter by administrator when the book are returned to the system to change the status of the book in the data base as "Available'" .
The show of borrowed books page are use to display the details of the borrowed books to the administrator getting them from the database.
Borrow book page contain a field to enter the number of the book you want to borrow it and the status of the book getting from database to ensure that the process are completed and the status of the book are changed to "borrowed" .
Add a research page are