Experience #1
I use a sensation-thinking problem solving style. This style focuses on the facts and details of a situation when solving a problem. When given a problem to solve, in both my personal life and work settings, I need to have all of the details and facts about the situation before I can begin to formulate a solution. Sensation-Thinking types generally like to work with numbers and things rather than people. This holds true for me because I am an accountant and I like to focus on analytical situations rather than management type issues. Sensation-Thinkers are also uncomfortable when issues go unresolved and they tend to be more comfortable in settings where there are rules and guidelines. I cannot relax until a problem is resolved. If a situation arises at work at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon, I will stay and fix it where others may leave it to be fixed on Monday. I know that I would not be able to enjoy my weekend knowing that I left a problem without a solution. I also like to be given rules and I like to have structure in my work environment. In my current job, they allow a flex-work schedule but I have a hard time taking advantage of it. I think that this problem solving style attributes to some of the stress in my life because of the need for a resolution to everything and the need for rules and