By presenting her ideas Gilroy’s end outcome is only to achieve a better education system, educate individuals on the problem at hand, and encourage students to stay off the distracting devices in order to increase their own learning and the learning for students …show more content…
The entire article’s focus was on students in higher education, Gilroy did not express that this issue is for all ages everywhere and has become an increasingly big problem over time. Gilroy makes it clear that she sees no benefit to the wildly popular devices in a learning environment. While an individual reading this could very well share Gilroy’s views or strongly oppose her side, Gilroy was able to expresses her concerns and others concerns in a way that one reading can understand and relate. The writer’s purpose is understood through multiple accounts and is concluded with a solution,
“Realistically, however, colleges will have to develop codes of conduct that are less stringent. While there may be no consensus with regard to the matter of policy, there is general agreement that the marriage of the college students and cell phone technology is here to stay for both social and practical reasons” (Gilroy 29).
Although the article dated back thirteen years, Invasion of the Classroom Cell Phones was an excellent source for the dangers of cell phones and education, with insight on the problem, educating a reader if not aware of the problem, providing examples of the problem, and summing it up with a potential solution to the problem this article is a valuable