
Should Miriam Morgenstern T Students Use Cell Phones In School?

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Should Miriam Morgenstern T Students Use Cell Phones In School?
The second reason that students shouldn't be allowed to use cell phones in school for education is for the sake of the teachers, a teacher should not have to fight for the attention of his or her students due to technology. After twenty years of teaching history and ESL for Lowell High School, Miriam Morgenstern is quitting her job for multiple reasons. One of Morgenstern’s reasons for quitting is her students and their cell phones, she explains her frustration, “The texting, tweeting, and snapchatting during class time are ‘an incredible distraction, and makes it much more difficult to teach,’ she said. ‘It’s pretty hard to compete with a very funny YouTube video.’” It is unacceptable that students are using their phones while the teacher …show more content…
Morgenstern tells of an experience, “She recently brought a Holocaust survivor into class to talk about World War II, and noticed that one of her students was tweeting during the talk. ‘Should I have told the Holocaust survivor to be a little more engaging?’ Morgenstern said.” If there was a Holocaust survivor in the room, telling their personal experience, would the first thing that pops in your head be to check your Twitter feed? I think not, yet many students don't realize how disruptive and rude they can be when someone is taking time out of their daily lives to talk to them and teach them and then they chose to go on their phones instead of being respectful. Phones should not be in school in the first place, parents don't pay $800 to give their kid(s) a device just for them to use it in disruptive ways. Parents’ only argument for students having phones in schools is so they can communicate with their children, but there can still be ways for that to happen without kids having free access to them at all times. While it is true that not every student uses their phone during class, there are always those few students who always will and they make the teacher’s job harder by having to wait or explain time after time a simple task instead of moving along with the

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