The lesson was taught to a group of four children in year six. The children ranged in ability with one higher achieving pupil, who will be addresses as T, two middle achieving pupils, addressed as Z and R below and one lower achieving pupil, who will be addressed as S. The group also consisted of both boys and girls with Z being a girl and the rest boys. The focus of the lesson was on force and the relationship gravity has on different masses.
The learning objectives for my lesson were: to learn that how much an elastic band stretches depends on the force acting on it to make careful measurements of length
The idea for the lesson came from the QCA website where they suggest an elastic band experiment in order to investigate the effect gravity has on different masses (QCA: 2008, Children will measure the gravitational force applied to different masses by attaching elastic bands to the masses and seeing how far they stretch and measuring this with a ruler. The children will record their results which should show that the greater the mass the more gravitational force is applied to it.
The lesson covered primarily the following parts of the National Curriculum:
Sc1 2d – make a fair test or comparison by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect while keeping other factors the same.
Sc1 2f – make systematic observations and measurements, including the use of ICT for datalogging.
Sc1 2l – use their scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations, measurements or other data or conclusions.
Sc4 2b – that objects are pulled downwards because of the gravitational attraction between them and the Earth.
The Sc1 focuses on this investigation enable the children to use scientific enquiry. As the National Curriculum states, I am taking a point from the Physical Processes (Sc4) section of the National Curriculum and
Bibliography: Farrow, S. (1999) The Really Useful Science Book: A Framework of Knowledge for Primary Teachers, London: RoutledgeFalmer, Second Edition Millar, R. and Osborne, J. (eds.) (1998) Beyond 2000 King’s College London Murphy, C. and Beggs, J. (2005) Primary Science in the UK: A Scoping Study Queens University Belfast Oliver, A. (2006) Teaching Science. In Cockburn, A. and Handscomb, G. (eds.) Teaching Children 3 to 11: A Student’s Guide London: Paul Chapman Publishing, Second Edition, Chapter 14 Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) (2008) (Online) Available from:, Date retrieved: 14/11/07 The National Curriculum Handbook for Primary Teachers in England (1999) London: Department for Education and Employment, and Qualifications and Curriculum Authority Wenham, M. (2005) Understanding Primary Science: Ideas, Concepts and Explanations London: Paul Chapman Publishing, Second Edition