2. LESSON PLANS- ------------------------------ this includes
• Learning Experiences • Introduction/Rationale • learning Objective • Resources and Pre lesson Preparation. • Possible Questions to Extend Learning
• Key Learning Area And Outcomes • Teaching Strategies • Structure Of Lesson • Adult And Child Roles
• Possible Assessment Of Learning • Specific Outcomes • Evaluation • Extensions.
|Unit of work- Citizenship |
|Description -: |
| |
|This unit crosses two areas of the NTCF SOSE Area. Social Systems and Structures including Environments. Integrating aspects of EYLF Learning outcomes 1 and 2. Our class will incorporate excursions to the community hall to visit |
|the local seniors group, every Thursday. The
References: NTCF, (2009) Northern Territory Curriculum Framework. SOSE Introduction pg. 1-13. Northern Territory Government. Fleer,M.,Jane,B.,&Hardy,T. (2007). Science for Children: Developing a personal approach to teaching. (3rd Edition).Australia: Pearson Education.