PTLLS Level 3/4
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(if referred): | | Grade | | Date | | IQA’s name (if sampled) | | | Date | |
Understanding inclusive learning and teaching in lifelong learning
I have delivered a teaching session covering for a colleague on sick leave. It was the first time I had worked with the group within which there was an ESOL learner, a learner with dyslexia, a learner who receives learning support and a learner with disruptive tendencies. I am writing a journal entry for my professional development file which is presented according to the stages of the teaching cycle (See: Figure 1A The teaching cycle, Wilson, 2008, p15). This text is an analysis of the learning and teaching strategies used with an evaluation of the effectiveness of your approaches to learning and teaching in meeting the needs of learners. Also, this text is an analysis of how I selected resources to meet the needs of learners with an explanation of how I created assessment opportunities that met the needs of learners.
It has been a great challenge to deliver a unique teaching session to these learners for the first time. To ensure teaching to be effective, I have followed the teaching cycle mentioned earlier as follows: the Identify need stage; the Design stage; the Implement stage and the Evaluation stage. * The Identify need