The ways I support children’s learning 1. Supervising and assisting small groups of pupils in activities set by my class teacher.
Often I am working with groups of children under the management of the teacher - especially helpful to children with special educational needs (SEN) and for whom English is an additional language (EAL). 2. Implementing behaviour management policies. There were social problems. 3. Helping the inclusion of all children.
I can do much to help promote the inclusion of children with ESL by having time and expertise to help them with language (Latvian, Russian). 4. Showing interest. I have an important role in helping raise the self-esteem of children by showing interest …show more content…
not only in their work but in what the children do outside the school. 5.
Being involved at whole-class level. Teacher have commented that the availability of an extra pair of hands, eyes and ears makes it possible to provide and supervise a greater number of practical lesson activities, such as crafts, learning games and outdoor games and projects. 6. Providing support for the literacy and numeracy strategies. 7. Providing positive feedback to teacher. The ways I support class teacher. 1. Getting materials ready for the lesson, preparing worksheets, preparing books and setting up equipment all help free up teaching time to the benefit of all the class. 2. We discussed learning objectives and the progression of skills and I was given the responsibility for working with a group of the six most able children each week. My focus was to be on developing their predicting, fair-testing and recording skills.
The ways I work with other teaching assistants. 1. Holding regular in-school meetings of TAs . 2. Exchange of experience and discussion between TAs.
Aspects of my role that are rewarding or challenging.
Class teacher and my common work is good team work - we understand each other well and we complement each other.
I am entitled to feel that I could develop in their job and get better at what I am doing. I wish to reach the step where I can move on into teacher training.
A typical day. …show more content…
8.25am My day starts as soon as I get to school, when the class teacher, who I work alongside, outlines the plan for the day ahead and I help to set up the activities.
I am responsible for organising all of the peripheral items that are essential to the smooth running of the lesson in order to ensure that when the class arrives they can get on with learning as quickly as possible. It means that the classroom always has to be tidying up and keeping in good order.
8:40 am- with class teachers get children and their parents meet at. I briefly chat with a few parents as they pass on messages, help children take their coats off in the cloakroom and follow them into the classroom.
8.50 am- RWI lesson. There are small group with 7 children (from Polish, Latvia, Lithuania, Pakistan, Portugal). I teach Level 1 – sounds.
9.25 am- Numeracy Lesson. My immediate task is to work with a group of LA kids and help them to understand and to reinforce the lesson task. There is one SEN boy and two ESL kids. Each needs to have attention and I should be able to be flexible in order to be dedicated to all the time. Sometimes our work is divided into mixed Ability groups.
Tidying up the classroom in good order.
10.25 – 10.45am Break Duty. I need to focus on fruits and then I look after children in the school playground. In the event of any accidents I have to write record slip for parents. If it is raining outside or snowing then we have to remain in the
10.45 -11.00 am I’ve got a break. Then it is time for coffee and a nice meeting with other school Teaching Assistants.
11.00 am – Literacy Lesson. Its main aim is to work to understand the current task. A lot of attention has new words and their explanation. Equally great importance attached to the negotiation and communication with each other. Also, individual of his work need my help.
Tidying up the classroom in good order.
12.00 pm – It’s lunchtime and we take the children into the dinner hall to be greeted by their lunchtime supervisors. Lunch Duty- every week my duty changes - football peach area, playground, quiet area, hall Duties. All time focused student.
1.00 – 1.30 pm Lunch.
1.30 – 2.15 Preparing children books ready for next day lessons. There were a time for changing Reading Books and I can check that they were read at home.
2.15 – 2.25 pm Break Duty. Playtime again and this time I’m on duty supervising the children with another member of staff.
2.25 pm Science Lesson. LO : Magnetic. Groups task is to find out which objects are magnetic and which objects are not magnetic. Operate in practice and it is very child-like. Then making notes on the worksheet.
3.15 pm Home time for the children as we look out for the children’s parents and carers, and send them off happily! Once the children have all been collected it’s time for a final tidy up and discussion with the class teacher about the day’s events, successes and failures.
There is the Planning Meeting with class teacher – our plans for next week lessons.
4.00 pm Time for me to go off home, too!