In the class I work in there a 9 pupils age ranging from 5 – 6 years old. All the children are from different generic groups.
Art is the specific activity I have chosen to write about, our topic for this term is winter/cold. We are all going to support the children to do mosaic/collage pictures representing cold.
The particular child I was working with is diagnosed PMLD and has more vision in her left eye than her right eye.
I prepared the different pieces of textured paper by ripping and cutting the paper with the more able children the paper I use was blue tissue paper,white tissue paper,shiny blue foil paper and blue congregated paper. I then put the paper into a small container and poured
pva glue into a small container and I also got a glue spreader and a A4 sized paper.
The adjustable table was set to the height of the childs indoor wheel chair. I firstly put all the prepared materials on the table then wheeled the child to the table. I then placed my chair to her left hands side as this is her preferred side of vision. Firstly I called her name and told her about the activity we were going to participate in.
I then told her that I was going to put an apron on her before we got started and I then sat down and let her feel each different textured material and I placed each piece of material to her left eye view so she identify each material. Doing the hand-over-hand technique I told her we were going to glue her picture. I held her hand with the glue spreader and helped her glue her picture. Next I then held two different pieces of textured material and asked her to eye point to which piece she would like to stick down first. By using the same hand-over-hand technique we stuck down each piece of material until the picture was completed. After each movement that was involved I gave her time to respond and gave her a lot of praise.
When the picture was completed I held the picture up to her left eye view point so that she could see how well she had done and gave her more praise for how well she had done.