Raising Achievement in Science (Physics, Chemistry or Biology)
(PGCE programme)
This assignment is set at ‘H’‐level. (3000 words +/- 10%)
Assignment Task
With reference to your reading in the relevant research, write about how you have raised or could have raised the achievement of a pupil or small group of pupils whom you have taught this year. There must be a clear link between the discussion of the teaching and learning that took place in your class and the relevant research on achievement; you must provide a sound rationale for your teaching methods and strategies.
The school, teachers and students must be anonymous.
It should constantly be our aim as teachers to raise the achievement of the pupils in our care so that they are attaining at their full potential. It will also be useful for you to discuss these issues with those you work with at school (mentor, PCM, SENCO, etc.) and to observe closely how these are addressed in classroom practice. However, in this assignment, it would be especially appropriate for you to select a particular pupilor group of pupils who you work with in the classroom and who have specific challenges in attaining theirfull potential in science (see below for suggestions), and for you to focus on strategies and techniques for supporting their particular needs.
The generic assignment briefing at the top of this page asks you to discuss a particular pupil or group of pupils and how you might have raised, or did raise, their achievement in science (and particularly in your own specialist discipline of Biology, Chemistry or Physics), linking aspects of the teaching and learning with the relevant research carried out in your literature review. In identifying the pupil or group you intend to refer to, consider the range of children who might under‐achieve:
• Gender: boys/girls
• those with special educational needs
• the gifted and talented
• literacy in Science
• children in care
References: Annotated Bibliography: Monday 12th November, 2013 by 5:00pm; submitted by e-mail directly to your tutor Assignment submission (electronic): Monday 7th January, 2013 by 23.59 hr A suggested ‘starter’ reading list: Younger, M & Warrington, M (2005) “Raising Boys’ Achievement in Secondary Schools”; Oxford: OUP