Investigation of the effect of different channel estimation techniques on FBMC-IOTA systems
Master of Science in Mobile Communications systems from the
University of Surrey
Department of Electronic Engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK
Supervised by: Dr. Mehrdad Dianati
Dr. Razieh Razavi
September 2014 i Ugochukwu, Obum E, MSc.dissertation
Filter bank multicarrier communications (FBMC) have recently gained popularity in both wired and wireless communications and this is mostly due to superior flexibility, increased spectral efficiency and better spectral containment when compared to traditional OFDM systems. A particular version of FBMC known as FBMC-IOTA, consists of an isotropic orthogonal transform algorithm (IOTA) pulse adapted
OFDM modulated with Offset-QAM symbols and this is the focus of our study.
This thesis is an industrial project in collaboration with Aeroflex, it reviews the state of the art in the
Long Term Evolution LTE communications, then goes further to discuss the important features of next generation networks (NGN) and its related physical layer PHY requirements. The primary focus of this thesis was to evaluate how channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems used in LTE-Advanced work, implement the existing channel estimation techniques in FBMC-IOTA systems and provide a comparative performance analysis in terms of bit error rate performance, using OFDM as a benchmark.
The performance of ideal, preamble-based and pilot-based channel estimation methods have been simulated in MATLAB with AWGN, SUI-3 and IEEE 802.11 channel models in OFDM and FBMCIOTA systems. The progress made in this thesis supports the FBMC as a promising waveform technique for the air interface of future 5G radio systems.
Ugochukwu, Obum E, MSc.dissertation
This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my grandfather, Chief
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