
Investigatory Project

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Investigatory Project
Saint Mary’s Academy – Pasay City
High School Department
School Year: 2012-2013

In partial fulfillment of the requirements needed in Chemistry IX

“Fruit Battery: Citrus Fruits
As Conductors of Electricity”

Submitted by:
VILLAVER, Genevieve C.
YAMZON, Nicole Jay M.
ESPENILLA, Ana Patricia
G9- Our Lady of Good Voyage

Submitted to:
Mr. Juanito B. Tan
Chemistry Teacher

Date submitted:
March 19, 2013

I. Acknowledgement
First of all, I would like to thank our chemistry teacher Mr. Tan for helping us in the necessary things we needed to know in order to finish this investigatory project. Secondly, we would like to thank our classmates in helping us with the investigatory project for without them we wouldn’t have conducted the experiment by ourselves. Thirdly, we extend our deepest gratitude to our parents for being our financers for us to buy the necessary materials we needed for the experiment and lastly, we would like to thank God the Almighty Father for His unconditional love and guidance and for giving us enough knowledge and strength to finish the investigatory project.

II. Problem And Its Background
The purpose of this investigatory project is to demonstrate how an electrical current can be generated through citrus fruits (such as oranges and lemons) that are strong enough to light a bulb (or in our case, a diode bulb) and to demonstrate how long the electricity generated from the citrus fruits would last.

Citrus fruits are said to be acidic and have negatively charged particles that create acid on our bodies. Citrus fruits are one of the best sources of electricity because of its negatively charged particles. These particles from the citrus fruits would travel through the wire in order to light up the diode bulb.

III. Hypothesis a) If the diode bulb is connected through a wire to the lemon, it is more likely

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