ABSTRACT The study was conducted to determine if the limonene contained in orange oil is a possible alternative source of energy to produce heat. It is concluded that duration of flame is significantly influenced by the amount or volume of limonene content. The limonene was effective enough as a fire starter. The flame produced had a consistent intensity. Its lengthy duration implied that it has the potential to be an alternative source of energy.
Background of the Study Orange peeling does not simply serve as a protective covering to the fruit but it has various benefits used in different ways such as a dried seasoning, a candied desert, an air freshener, an insect repellant, an aromatic support in relieving tension, and in many other medicinal actions. However, on unusual use for dried orange peelings is a kindling for fire. The orange oils found in the peels are indeed flammable but they burn more steadily than other common kindling materials such as newspaper. Orange peels also have the advantage of creating a pleasant odor as they burn.
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study aims to generate a possible alternative renewable source of energy from a recycled raw material of a cist-effective and ecological energy to produce fires and provide power or heat. It specifically aims to extract and generate limonene present in the orange peelings as a possible substitute of fuels to produce fire or heat. It also aims to determine if limonene in orange (Citrus sinensis)is an effective source of energy in terms of the time duration of the fire produced and to determine how the amount of limonene utilized would affect the duration of the flame produced.
d-Limonene d-Limonene is the major component of the oil extracted from citrus rind. When citrus fruits are juiced, the oil is pressed out of the rind. This oil is separated
References: Bellenato, J. Hidalgo Infrared Analysis of Essential Oils. Heyden and Son Ltd Madrid. Jamilla, B. Prospects of Essential Oil Business in the Philippines. Paper presented to the First SARCENHP in June 1997. www.floridachemicalJ:;omlwhatisd-limonene.htm www.helium.comlitems/345476-Vl.hat-is-limonene www.biochemcOl1.comidlimonene2.btml www.dyualene.comlproduds/d-Limonene.asp http://chestofbooks.comihealth/aromatheraphylThe-Volatile-Oils-VolIILimonene.html www.uwlax.edu/fucuUylkosterllimonene.htm