021. Plants in different environments (light intensity, color) [Exp]
031. The effect of nicotine, air, yeast on mold growth [Exp]
041. Factors affecting the strength of hair [Exp]
042. Factors affecting the growth of bacteria [Exp]
043. Factors affecting the growth of molds or yeast [Exp]
051. Experiment with Hydroponics (Use seedlings started from seed with three types of soil and different rates of fertilizer) [Exp]
071. The effectiveness of Antiseptics and soaps on household bacteria [Exp]
091. Comparing types of artificial light on plant growth [Exp]
101. Conditions necessary for the life of a brine shrimp [Exp]
121. Producing mutations in bacteria
122. Producing mutations in yeast
131. Best conditions for mushroom production [Exp]
132. Best conditions for the growth of ferns [Exp]
141. The effects of ultrasonic on bacteria count [Exp]
142. The effects of antibiotics on bacteria count [Exp]
143. The effects of temperature changes on bacteria count coming soon*
151. Microbial antagonism coming soon*
161. Reaction of planaria to pH, light and temperature conditions [Exp]
162. Reaction of paramecia to pH, light and temperature conditions [Exp]
171. Plant tropisms and growth hormones [Exp*]
181. Transpiration rates for different plants and conditions [Exp]
191. Sugar level in plant sap at different times and dates [Exp]
211. A study of territoriality in mice [Exp*]
221. A study of the cleaning habits of mice [Exp*]
251. Learning and perception in animals and humans
261. Studies of memory span and memory retention [Exp]
271. Age versus learning ability [Exp]
281. A study of the relation between physical exercise and learning ability
291. Is audio or visual information better remembered
292. Dominance of Brain Hemispheres [Exp]
301. The effect of bleaching and dyeing on hair [Exp]
311. A study of the percentage of DNA (by weight) in different species [Exp]
321. Factors affecting the