Submitted By: Angela Abainza Gladies Mansit Rhomabelle Ortega
Submitted To: Sir Erdie Asuncion
The students’ wish to extend their appreciation and gratitude to the following persons who gave some of their valuable contribution toward the completion and success of this study.
To our parents and relatives who gave us permission, advices, and suggestions towards the completion of our project.
To our English teacher and adviser, Ma’am Maricel Wong, who teach us how to use the English language effectively. Especially when having a defense.
To our Physics teacher, Sir Erdie Asuncion, who gave us valuable ways on choosing what kind of project to investigate, in order to present of project properly.
To all of you, Thank you so much and God Bless!
It is almost summer, but due to our global climate change, hurricanes typhoons, and sudden rain showers, weren’t very surprising to come.
In this investigatory project, we will prove that cooking oils can be made to become a source of light. It can be used as an alternative when we ran out of candles in times of emergency.
Cooking oil is a major kitchen item in Filipino households. It is also used substantially in fast-food outlets, where it is used in different stages of food preparations. Ordinarily, used cooking oil is discarded. This waste oil pollutes and clogs canals and sewerage systems.
This study aims to answer following questions:
*Will the oil produce smoke or bad smells as it burns?
*Would the same effect happen using a matchstick?
*Which one is brighter? The light from the oil or the light from a candle?
*Thermal physics ~ Is the study of the statistical nature of physical systems from an energentic perspective.
*Energy ~ is an indirectly observed quantity which comes in many forms,