In the Biography, it explained how it showed a depressed and sad Poe who was lonely… The Biography also said that he got drunk a lot. So, the Biography had a much more sad mood to it.
In the Video, it describes Poe as a much more pleasant and happy person. The video also said that Poe barely drank, he would avoid alcohol at all costs.
In the Story, the author states a more dark and twisted minded Poe. Poe was a murder! To back this
up… He killed a cat that didn’t do anything to him, then.. He killed his wife! He drank somewhat a little and he got drunk.
In conclusion, based on this information; in all three sources the authors said/wrote something different about Poe. This explains why there are so many theories about him. For instance, in the Biography Poe was sad and lonely. But in the video was a much more pleasant and cheerful guy. Lastly, in the Story “The Black Cat” By: Edgar Allan Poe, the text states that Poe was a dark and twisted man. He was a murder. Because of this Research Simulation about Edgar Allan Poe, you know more about him.