When our investments class first started I knew very little about stocks, mutual funds and options but with every class that I took I started to understand exactly what each meant. This became very important in my research of companies to choose for stocks, mutual funds and options. I took a few things into consideration: the economy, the time of season, and the products the company is best known for; also from the companies chosen I look at their three month six month and one year overlook. This gave me a few companies to research to decide which would be best.
The first bulk of stock that was purchased was with Akamai Technologies, which mainly specialize in speeding up a company’s websites by using their (Akamai) high speed network to increase download speed. Two of their biggest clients are Best Buy and Sony, which really set me in the “green” for my decision not to mention the fact that the company earned $860 million in revenue and $145.9 in net income in 2009. From a technical standpoint, I discovered Akamai’s internet traffic footprint is large. The company operates the worlds largest distributed computing network with more than 20,000 servers in 1,000 networks across 71 countries those estimates are excellent. The company showed promise which leads me to buy a substantial amount of stock for my first purchase.
The companies I decided to invest in next were Best Buy and Nike, Best Buy is now known as the electronic store powerhouse now that it’s fierce rival Circuit City filled bankruptcy (which now sells refurbished electronics online) Best Buy now has very few competitors. I looked for positive trends within the company and to my surprise the company’s trend was looking at an upward trend; which led me to buy the stock within this company. Nike was a very difficult decision for me mainly because I worked for Nikes’ powerhouse seller Footlocker. From my stay with the company I witnessed the company cut several lines of their